
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sick Day

Sick days are the pits.  We've had our share of them this past month.  Apparently we're still battling this parasite.

We've spent a lot of time doing this........

and snuggling with mommy, and playing endless games of Candy Land.

But today the cabin fever set in, for the better part of the day a certain someone spent the day watching the kids at the playground.

After he took his nap he went straight to the window and said very enthusiastically, "All done with nap, now go play on playground."  I felt like I literally burst his balloon when I said no.  You should have seen the look of disappointment on his face, it broke this mama's heart.

Here's to feeling better soon and that this parasite disappears soon.  We'd love it if you would pray for our little guy and for us to have the wisdom to know what to do.

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