
Monday, February 02, 2009

Holding on a Little Tighter

Marvin and I were able to visit our friends Joel and Jess at the hospital on Sunday. I am amazed at their faith and I am so thankful to be a part of the same family of God right now. He's the God who formed Cora and he's the one who can heal her. I have shed many tears for their family and poured my heart out to the Lord for their little girl. I don't know if I could take seeing Calvin so worn out in a hospital bed, hooked up to so many machines. (His outpatient surgery about broke my heart.) Continue to lift up not only Cora but Jess and Joel too, it's physically and emotionally draining for them, you could see it in their bodies. Pray that God with give them rest only he can provide.

In light of their situation there are two things that have been impressed on my heart on top of praying for them. The first one being an overwhelmingly gratefulness for the body of believers I have had in my life. It seems like each season of life God has surrounded me with some amazing people to walk through life with. Now I must say that this takes some vulnerability initially, if you haven't allowed yourself to be transparent with others I'd encourage you to take that step, Father will richly bless you for it. Jess and Joel were part of our college community, and it's so neat to see that however long it has been since we have connected with some of those people, we are still connected in our hearts and Father has burdened us and those we know to pray for one another.
The second thing that God has impressed on my heart is to not take lightly this time I have with Calvin. There are times I get so frustrated with him. It's impossible to keep the house clean with his uncanny ability to make a mess in less than a second of waking up. Right now we are also in the beginning stages of tantrums and boy is he stubborn. But the past week Father has allowed me to see how precious this time is. I've found myself holding him a bit longer, rocking him to sleep, playing trucks a little bit longer, and finding more ways to engage with him. I am very thankful for these renewed mama's eyes.
Here's the one God has entrusted us. He's so proud because he got up on the chair by himself and was able to reach his snack. What a big boy!

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