
Saturday, March 07, 2015


(I'm just getting around to posting this, I completely forgot I had written it.)

I have read many who choose a word of the year.  I’ve always been resistant to trends, and honestly never really felt one word could articulate accurately a theme for a year that I had yet to enter. 

However this year as I was processing a few themes the Lord has taught me and how to move forward in 2015, the word expectant seemed to be repeated over and over.

As I thought more about what the word meant I felt like it could accurately describe my heart for the coming year.  I am expectant, both literally and figuratively.

Webster defines it as feeling or thinking that something will happen. Or could be used to describe a person, one who is looking forward to something.  It is defined by hope, anticipation, and faith. I am expectant for the Lord to move powerfully this year. 

I always tend to think of this word as a passive word with not much action but there are certain things you must do to expect something, there is an active component that is being done simultaneously often times this is faith.

If you think about expecting a child, something active is taking place while you wait.  The baby is growing and maturing and there is a date determined by the Lord when he/she will arrive.

How do I live an expectant life?  How do I actively believe and anticipate the Lord moving in 2015?

Well I feel like the story of Christ’s birth is a good place to start to glean some wisdom.

We know there was a period of silence with the Israelites and the Lord had not spoke in 40 years, but they had been told about a coming messiah.  I am sure the kingdom of Israel waited expectantly.  Believing the Lord for the promise of a King.

When Mary was approached by the angel Gabriel.  She was already expectant that the Lord had planned to bring forth a Messiah.  I feel this may be the reason why we see her response as one of embrace vs. shock and resistance.  When we expect something to happen we believe something will happen.  When a doctor tells you, that you are expecting a child, we never say, “well maybe, I’ll believe it when I see it.”  There is something that is planned for. 

I want my response to expectation be an utter trust in the Lord that he is able and he will move.

I am incredibly expectant and can’t wait to see what 2015 brings.  Are you?

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