Here are a few other things that have rocked my world recently:
1. Calvin is feeding himself!!!! I can now load or unload the dishwasher without little hands helping me out!
2. Walgreens! Here's why:
3. Coupons! I have recently entered the world of couponing. (Yes there seriously is a world for this.) I always thought it would be cheaper to always buy the store brand or to shop at Aldi. But you can get amazing deals by cutting coupons and adding them with store sales. I get so excited as I look through the paper on Sunday and find ways to save our family money. Yes it is hard to try not to buy things just because they are free, but I have a great husband who gently reminds me of this every week.
4. Library. You can check out anything for FREE! We haven't rented a single DVD since we returned to the states because they are free at the library. Sure the collection isn't the most recent, but we've seen some good flicks for FREE! I will certainly miss it when we're back in CA.
5. Fall Weather. It is my favorite season. I love being able to put a sweater on in the morning and shed it during the afternoon.
6. Garage Sales & Craigslist. I have stocked up on Calvin's clothing through both of these and found some amazing deals in the process.
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