
Thursday, December 01, 2011


We had a great Thanksgiving, it was very low key, but we did enjoy a fabulous meal with our team, just a day early.  I decided to try to pick up my list that I started well over a year ago.  There are simply too many gifts in our lives to not write them down.

#136 Two little boys on my lap
#137 Surprise Snowstorms
#138 Watching big fat snowflakes flutter through the air.
#139 hearing the laughter of children sledding outside
#140 A warm and toasty apartment
#141 Finding tortillas at the grocery store
#142 Also finding saltine crackers at the grocery store.
#143 The sounds of legos clinking
#144 squeals of delight and the pitter patter of little toes when I get home from class.
#145 Fresh roasted pumpkin
#146 Little Friends Birthdays to celebrate
#147 Creating for birthdays
#148 Pumpkin Pie
$149 Football Games on the Weekend
#150 Sleeping through the night
#151 Snuggly little boys
#152 Books before bedtime
#153 a Van that makes a big shopping trip possible
#154 a working elevator in our building
#155 Stopping to chat with our neighbors each day
#156 Sipping tea with friends
#157 Seedless Grapes
#158 Finding hard apples to make applesauce
#159 A pampered chef gadget that makes making applesauce a breeze
#160 Filling canning jars with deliousness
#161 A quiet house
#162 Being able to watch a movie in this language and actually understand it
#163 Finding treasures in Calvin’s pockets every day.
#164 The simplicity and wonder of the surroundi1ng world from the view of a child
#165 Running water
#166 The promises of Jesus
#167 Seeing Family and friends via skype
#168 A Sleeping toddler filling up your arms
#169 Excitement over Christmas
#170 Sledding with Friends
#171 Giving

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