Here are some pictures of how we celebrated his big day!
Calvin is wearing his invitation to his birthday party. I found these at a garage sale and they were perfect for a zoo themed 1st birthday party!
Fridays we usually go to the library for nursery rhyme time, but he was so tired. I had him all ready to go when I spotted some eye rubbing action and decided since it was his birthday I wouldn't make him wait for his nap. It's a good thing I did since he slept 3 hours! I guess he was resting up for his party. He loves to hold one pacifier while he naps.
Friday night we had our good friends over for Marvin's birthday dinner and also to celebrate on Calvin's birthday. We had him open our presents and his basketball goal was a big hit. It's the first thing he goes to find in the mornings.
Since we had a busy Wednesday, we decided to have Marvin's cake on Calvin's birthday. We ended Calvin's busy birthday singing happy birthday then getting pjs on on into bed. He was out in a hurry.
Saturday we made our way to my parents for his party. We had a fun time seeing everyone and Calvin loved eating outside.
Cake! He didn't really know what to do with it at first until we showed him he could eat it.
Here are some special 4 generation pictures we took after his party.
"I didn't try anything too complicated" ???? What? I would have surely found a way to mess it up no matter the level of complication. That cake looks GREAT-both of them! I love how happy he looks in every single picture. What a sweet little man.
Thanks for your comment Erica! Yeah Dave Ramsey has been gaining some more popularity as of late. I've just been hearing his name more than before. He is a Christian financial counselor and has very, very conservative methods in dealing with finances. Some people find him to be too conservative (he's very anti-credit cards, car debt), but his methods have really worked for us. I'm really excited to be reconnecting with you guys again! It looks like Calvin had a great bday!
Happy birthday, Calvin!
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