
Sunday, October 14, 2007

His Name

Many people have asked about his name so I thought I would explain it here. Calvin is a the name of a dear friend of Marvin's family, who essentially has been a grandparent figure in Marvin's life. He was married later in life to a sweet woman and they never had any children and Marvin family welcomed them into their family. Over the years Marvin has watched this man display amazing faith and dependency on Father. He has committed his life to serving him and has filled his heart with the Word. To this day it is the most beautiful thing hearing him quote huge pieces from the Word. We hope that one day our son will grow up to be an example of a faithful servant like our dear friend Calvin.

Jacob of course was chosen from the OT and his story has touched my heart this last year. We hope that someday our Calvin Jacob displays some of the same character traits of both these men of faith.


Anonymous said...

Your boy has a beautiful name! My boys were very sleepy when they were first born due to jaundice. I put them in the sunlight often and it helped. I too just had to make sure to wake them to eat every couple of hours.

Phil Barnes said...

Awesome! God is faithful and good and gives good gifts to His children. Thanks for sharing -- wish we were there to meet him.

Sherry said...

Keep the post coming!! I love this!! He is so precious. I know you are having an amazing time. Give him an extra kiss and snuggle for me:)