I think I posted one picture of my "just like Daddy" apron, but here it is up close. I think it would fit a 3-5 year old. It's a little big on Calvin.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Finished Projects
I think I posted one picture of my "just like Daddy" apron, but here it is up close. I think it would fit a 3-5 year old. It's a little big on Calvin.
Monday, June 29, 2009
28 is Great
I had a great birthday. Calvin and I did our usual Friday things but we stopped for lunch at Braum's. It's always a nice treat eating out for lunch. We've done it twice in the last month and I'm almost positive that those are the only 2 times we have done that this year.
Marvin took me to a nice restaurant downtown called Bel Ami for dinner, while Calvin got to hang with his buddy. It was nice sitting down in a relaxing restaurant without having to entertain Calvin. Our dinner was amazing I had a salmon dish and Marvin had a veal dish, both things we never buy or order. It was quite a treat for sure.
No presents this year, we're saving up for some big purchases in our near future. I have my eye on a 220 volt Kitchenaid mixer, (big sigh). The bad news is they are twice as expensive as the ones for America. So anyone want to buy any of my Etsy creations? I'm really going to start stepping up my sewing in hopes it can bring in some extra income to help with some of these purchases. So if you have always wanted something made just let me know I'd be glad to help. Of course I'm very reasonable in my pricing.
We ended the evening enjoying some soft cookies and watching Second Chance Harvey. It was very good and very tasteful in my opinion. It's so nice to watch a movie without having to fast forward through unnecessary scenes. It did have some language but no cover your eyes moments.
I'm so thankful for all the wonderful friends and family in my life. It's so fun to think back over the past 28 years and see the abundance of blessings He has brought in my life. You guys rock!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Initially this news was hard to take, although it wasn't surprising. It's hard being in a holding place. But I was reminded today that it doesn't matter where we are at my purpose is the same. So whether we leave in October, November or next March I'm asking for peace that passes all understanding.
We are so thankful we are home and can sleep in our own beds. It was great to see Calvin again and I was pleased to see he was happy to see us too. He's been a little more clingy but I think I needed extra time holding him. Yesterday we had a great time loving up on Marvin. Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast (yes even though we got home at 2:15 a.m.), Papa Johns for lunch, naps in the afternoon and we ended the day with a round of mini golf. It required some effort playing with Calvin. He enjoyed the first two holes, but the next 16 holes it was a game of distraction and trying to keep him out of the water features. I'm so thankful that Calvin has such a great Daddy.
His favorite part of his first golfing experience.......splashing in the water.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Just Humor Us
Monday, June 15, 2009
We love you Sweet Boy
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Just like Daddy
Calvin also insisted on modeling a necklace I got today. He's such a goof. I'm already about to cry at the thought of leaving him for a whole week, even though he is going to have so much fun.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
All in a Days Work
Next I put the laundry away. All of it, which left me with empty baskets. Always a beautiful site. Calvin enjoyed helping put his socks away and as soon as the baskets were empty he was off pushing them around the house.
I took a little break and played with Calvin on our bed. Am I bad mom if I let him jump? Hope not because he loves it.
We had lunch. Leftovers from Sunday. I love leftover lunches. We read books and I put Calvin down for nap and then it was time for me to get back to work.
I took the stack of clothes winter clothes I pulled from my drawers earlier and packed them away in a suitcase. Then added another basketful of clothes to the garage sale pile. I seriously don't have very many clothes, but it's amazing at how many of them I never wear. Most I've picked up at garage sales, but still I was amazed.
Next I organized my coupons. I hadn't done it in over a week, so I had two Sundays worth of coupons plus all the ones I've gotten in the mail. It feels much better when they are all in their places.
Next I finalized my grocery list and pulled needed coupons for my grocery run.
I piddled on the computer until Calvin woke up (which was probably only 20 minutes).
I gave Calvin a snack and we were off to do our Dillons, Walgreens & Aldi run. We came back put everything away. Calvin and I did a few puzzles before Marvin got home.
Then Marvin took Calvin out for a little jog and I finished dinner and piddled on the Internet.
We ate dinner, Calvin took a bath, read his Bible then put him to bed.
I ran to Target and picked up a couple of things we needed for our trip, and finished a few sewing projects that I had yet to finish. Which included: my latest preschool apron, a pouch for the diaper bag, a taggie crinkle baby toy, hemmed a few things, added a strap to Calvin's swimming hat and some Velcro to a padding thing that goes with his car seat.
I took a long shower. Snuggled up with my Bible, read a few chapters and then it was time for bed.
Now most days are not like this and I am very thankful, but it feels good to do this every now and then.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Eight is Great
Eight Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Next week's interviews. I'm not looking forward to being away from Calvin all week, but looking forward to the time with others with the same heart and share what God has laid on our hearts for our future.
2. Going back home to Nineveh and introducing Calvin to some dear friends and hopefully going deeper in relationships.
3. Communicating in another language once again. We desperately need to get somewhere where we are surrounded by it again.
4. The arrival of our newest niece or nephew the end of this month.
5. Reunions this summer family & FOCUS!
6. 4th of July on the farm.
7. Taking Calvin swimming this summer.
8. Seeing what God is going to teach me during this time of preparation to go back overseas.
Eight Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Church
2. Made a blanket for a baby shower gift
3. Went to a Baby Shower
4. Had a cookout with our small group
5. Watched a great Kansas storm
6. Snuggled and read books with a cute little guy.
7. Took a long hot shower
8. Fell asleep in my hubby's arms
Eight Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Play the guitar. I'm trying to learn, but it's been very slow.
2. Be Tidy. Regardless of how hard I try, thing tend to get messy in a hurry. Especially when I'm cooking.
4. Paint, as in art kind not rooms.
5. Put the laundry away as soon as it is finished.
6. Play the piano, I wished I stuck with it.
7. Wake up early
8. Be more disciplined in regards to journaling and scripture memorization
Eight Shows I Watch:
1. The Office
2. Amazing Race
3. Biggest Loser
4. The News, if I'm not asleep
5. So You Think You Can Dance
6. Dora, Calvin's favorite right now
7. ? (Seriously I haven't watched TV since our shows ended in May)
8 ?
Eight Favorite Fruits:
1. Strawberries
2. Watermelon
3. Blueberries
4. Pineapple
5. Peaches
6. Plums
7. Grapes
8. Kiwi
Eight Places I've Lived:
1. Emporia, KS
2. K-State Dorms
3. Various apartments in Manhattan, Kansas
4. Virgina
5. apartment in "Nineveh"
6. "The fortress" in a village outside of "Nineveh"
7. Istanbul
8. Wichita, KS
Eight Places to Visit:
1. Italy
2. Africa: Safari & Mt. Kilimanjaro
3. Hawaii
4. Upper NW (Washington, Oregon)
5. WWII sites in Europe
6. 7 Churches tour in Turkey
7. China again
8. India
So I'm going to tag the following:
Marie, Carrie, Jamie, Janae (I'm pretty sure you have a blog), Amanda, Kim
I can't wait to see your lists!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Workin on that last 5
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Sweet Family Time
We had such a wonderful weekend. It was busy but we were so blessed be near family. Marvin's parents came down for a visit and we had a great time with them.
It has been fun being close to family this past year and it is neat to see Calvin adore both sets of grandparents. I grew up very close to both of my grandparents and it was something I have really struggled with in regards to moving half way around the world. It truly has been a sweet time for Calvin to get to know his extended family. I'm learning to cherish the times we have now because in a few short months we will be relearning how to do this from afar.
He was so excited to have guests this weekend that he didn't rest much. His nights were over early because he was ready to play with grandma and grandpa and even though he was exhausted nap times were shortened. He certainly doesn't want to miss out on anything.
The following are a few pictures of our weekend:
Here's my little helper. Anytime the flour comes out he thinks he needs to help. He helped make some pita bread. It was the first time Grandma and Grandpa had gyros, they thought they were yummy.