Here's what I've been up to lately. I have enjoyed staying busy sewing my little heart out. I've started a couple new projects that require a bit more hand sewing so I'll post those when I'm done. I've made lots of
burp cloths, which was a little adventure. The
Gerber diapers at W
al-mart were terrible quality so half way into sewing them, I decided to switch the backing to terry cloth towels, I liked how they were much softer, but left me with a white fuzz everywhere after cutting them. This was
definitely a learning experience, as I tried
several ways of putting them together and just yesterday figured out the best way to do so. I also made a few bibs and a nursing cover for a friend anxiously waiting for their baby to come, Sherry Lynn I hope he comes today. Sorry for the lack of surprise to anyone having a baby, or just had a baby. Overall I liked making the bibs and nursing cover the best, but I think if I use the new way I put together the
burp cloths then I wouldn't mind making those. Marvin has been reading his brains out for the class he is taking so it's been nice having something to keep me busy at night. Who knows I might even start selling them. What do you think, is there a market?
Yes! Of course there's a market! When I had Lilly one of my favorite shower gifts were some burp clothes one of my mom's friends gave me that her daughter had made. I just loved that they were unique and were really fun fabrics. I think yours could totally sell. :)
Erica! I'm a fan of your blog but can't say that I have commented before... sorry for not! I'd love to see more of how you made these. My sister and I are both expecting in March and I've already told her that we would be doing a sewing project or two over Christmas break. I'm hoping to make some burp cloths and a breastfeeding cover. Any advice you can give would be fabulous!
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