
Sunday, February 01, 2015

Adding to the team

While I was in Istanbul I was able to see my doctor for an ultrasound.  I was so nervous about that appointment.  Part of me was excited to find out if we would be adding another boy or a girl to or family, but mostly I was just nervous that the baby would be living, healthy, etc.

I was very relieved when I saw the heartbeat and then heard it loud and clear.  However she did a very detailed ultrasound checking blood flow to and from the uterus, looking closely at his heart, among several other things that are not typical at a 16 week sono.  During all of that I just felt sick, and was waiting for the bad news.  Thankfully this little guy is healthy, and we’ll monitor him closely the next few months, as I’m getting closer to when problems tend to arise for me.  I am just thankful that for now he’s healthy and I’m loving feeling all his little flips and movements, which help ease my nerves.

And it was quite obvious we were having a little boy.  I guess with as many ultrasounds as I have had I can see things pretty clearly.  I think I would have to close my eyes not to know what we’re having.  What a task to raise these little boys, and I’m so thankful the Lord has chosen me to be their mother.

I really wasn’t expecting a girl, I grieved that when I married into a family with lots of boys.  I’ve come to embrace all the fun little boys are and what a treat for our boys to grow up in a home with lots of brothers, and honestly it’s nice having everything we need for boys.  Maybe one of these boys will one day give us a granddaughter.  Until then we’ll enjoy these crazy boys, all 5 of them.

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