
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Pictures of Common Scenes

Here are a few sights we see everyday.........

I snapped this picture as I was coming home from work at about 5:15, it was almost dark and the call to prayer was sounding in the background. It was a good day to walk this direction down our street as it hadn't rained and this half of our stree that is not paved didn't look like a bunch of little ponds. Although there was no water on the road this day, I still had to look carefully for "land mines" left by our neighborhood cattle. You can also see a little bit of the haze in the distance from the burning leaves everyone seems to be doing right now.

This picture is of an older woman who we often see every morning while we wait on our route taxi to go into town. Lately she has been busy raking the leaves in her yard. We are glad to say that the leaves have almost all fallen from her trees. We are very thankful because she is often raking near the road and I don't know about you guys but a rack dragging across a paved road is not the greatest sound in the world. Despite her tendency to drag a rake across the pavement she is a very sweet woman and we enjoy seeing her in the mornings.

This last picture is of the street we walk up every morning to wait for a crowded ride into town. We always walk to this street because there is a better chance of catching a ride. We usually see chickens walking about along this road enjoying a the morning, and an occassional cow. When we first moved to our village we were greeted by a Donkey walking up this street every morning, but unfortunately by the middle of summer he was no where in sight.

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