
Friday, July 05, 2013

American Soil

Hey friends.  Our feet are now on American soil.  It was a whirlwind of a June, which can explain the silence on my blog, which I hope to update soon.  I don’t ever recommend moving right before heading to the states for 6 months.  However as we were packing up Marvin mentioned that it was the longest place we had ever lived in our almost 11 years of marriage.  I am so thankful to not have had to move for 3 ½ years.  We just moved our stuff to our temporary one bedroom apartment, and we hope to find something a little bigger when we get back.

Right before we left I jotted down a top 10 list of things I’m looking forward to while we are in the states.  Here’s my list………

1.       Seeing Seth’s Stone.  It’s been really tough not being able to physically visit the cemetery.  I’m not sure what to expect, but my heart truly longs to just sit by his stone.
2.       Grandparents.  Having our parents close enough to watch the boys for a couple of hours every now and then is amazing.  It’s one of those things that I really miss living so far from them.  I am thankful for the times we have a nanny, but it’s something different when they get to make memories with their grandpas and grandmas at the same time.  ***We’ve had more dates this past week in America than we had in the last year in Nineveh.  Thanks Mom and Dad, we needed it.
3.       Meeting family members we haven’t yet met.  Can’t wait.
4.       Almond milk & Sweet Potatoes.  These two foods top my list of things I plan to eat plenty of while in the states.  This whole lactose intolerance thing sure is a pain, but for 6 months I can just pop on over to the store and buy almond milk vs. making it.
5.       Seeing the doctor. I’m not sure what to expect.  My only birth in the US was filled with a room full of doctors and I didn’t even have a regular OB, only saw a perinatalogist.  So I have no idea what to expect but thankful to have regular care starting in my 3rd trimester.
6.       Being able to buy strawberries past June!!!
7.       Spending time with sweet friends.  We’ve missed hanging out with you.
8.       Cooperate Worship.
9.       Target/Grocery stores

10.   Parks

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